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Hi, I'm Alan Fox, Executive Chairman of Vacations To Go.

When I started this company 42 years ago, we were hailed as a new kind of travel company that put travelers with flexible schedules in touch with fantastic bargains. Over the years, we've earned quality endorsements from some very tough critics. Money magazine has called us "One of the 100 Best Deals in America." Associated Press said, "Travelers wanting bargain prices are turning to Vacations To Go." And USA Today has proclaimed Vacations To Go "One of the Biggest Bargains in Travel Today."

All nice compliments to be sure, but the truth is we've always believed we do more than save people a lot of money. We help people see the world, visit new lands, make new friends. In short, we help make dreams come true.

As you explore this site, you'll find detailed information about the best hotels and resorts in the Bahamas, Bermuda, the Caribbean, Hawaii, Mexico and other destinations. You'll also be able to get fast quotes online, with or without air, including the very latest specials, discounts and promotions. If you take a moment to register (click here to register now), we'll email special discounts and promotions to you as they are released by hotels and resorts each week. There is no charge, cancel any time.

To make sure you can always find your way back, why not take a moment now to add us to your list of favorites.

Though our company is 42 years old and our travel counselors are knowledgeable veterans, this website is relatively new. I'd love to hear what you think about it, good and bad. Email me directly at

And finally, if you're ever in the market for an oceangoing cruise, you'll find our cruise site,, to be the easiest way to shop for your ideal sailing. You’ll also find the largest selection of river cruises at Our tour site,, is a fast and easy way to shop for escorted tours worldwide. And our safari site,, will help you plan an unforgettable trip to see Africa’s amazing wildlife.

Now, please take a look around our site. We look forward to serving you!

Alan Fox







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